Misdemeanors are the level of crimes below felonies. If convicted of a felony a person goes to prison. On the other hand, a misdemeanor conviction lands someone in jail (opposed to prison).
If convicted of a Colorado misdemeanor a defendant could pay fines, go to rehabilitation programs, perform community service, and various other case specific penalties (or a combination of each). A Colorado misdemeanor conviction could place a defendant on probation for up to 2 years. Probation often requires checking in with a probation officer, drug testing, and supervision costs (possibly an electronic monitor). A conviction could endanger employment, housing, and education possibilities. For a free consultation for misdemeanor lawyer in Denver / Arapahoe call Tray 303.981.0594.
Some Colorado misdemeanors have mandatory jail time. For example, a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction where a defendant injured a pregnant woman the defendant must serve 6 months of mandatory jail. A drunk driving conviction has mandatory jail time. Driving under restraint alcohol related, habitual traffic offenders, and other crimes carry mandatory jail time.
Misdemeanor attorney in Englewood in Denver / Arapahoe. Although not as serious a felony, a misdemeanor is serious to you and therefore serious to Tray.
Tray always prepares cases for trial from day one. Tray believes handling a case as though it could go to trial from the begining is imperative to obtaining results for the client.
For misdemeanor trials a defendant is entitled to either a judge trial or jury trial. A jury trial is a trial with 6 jurors.
Common Colorado misdemeanor offenses include: domestic violence, third degree assault, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, various types of theft, some drug possession crimes, prostitution, drunk driving, and various driving infractions. While this list is far from complete misdemeanor offenses are serious and should be aggressively defended. Denver / Arapahoe Misdemeanor Attorney Tray Stephany has handled misdemeanor cases throughout Colorado. Statewide representation.
The Law Offices of Tray Stephany works on the simple principal of quality work and solid reputation. This representation is competitively priced and has been competitively priced for the last 9 years. But do not let the competive rates fool you. Please check Tray's AVVO and Google reviews to futher understand how reasonable rates at this office has lead to satisifed clients for years.