Civil protection order attorney for Denver, Arapahoe, Adams, Douglas, Boulder, and Jefferson County. Call for other service areas. This office has almost ten years of bringing, defending, and modifying protection orders. These orders are also referred to as a restraining order. Reasonable flat rates. Aggressive representation. Before considering another law office call the Law Offices of Tray Stephany for a free consultation. You will be glad you did. Remember if you violate the protection order then you will go to jail.
Before the Court considers issuing a permanent protection order the Court issues a temporary civil protection order. Unfortunately, only the party seeking the civil protection order is present at the initial application, meaning: there is no one there to tell the court the allegations are untrue. After the Court issues the order then the restrained party must be served with the order for the order to become effective. The permanent hearing is normally within 14 days of issuance. However, if you retain a lawyer your lawyer will probably get a 1 time continuance to prepare a defense. You need an experienced Denver / Arapahoe restraining order lawyer in your corner.
At a permanent protection order hearing your lawyer will prepare you to give testimony, cross examine witnesses, present evidence, provide opening and closing statement, and give legal arguement on your behalf. The hearing is a minature of trial. If the Court finds that the order must stay in place then the Court makes the Colorado civil protection order permanent. You and your Denver / Arapahoe civiol protection order lawyer must work diligently and fast (given the 14 day turn around). Tray Stephany prides himself on trial preparation and practice in order to maximize success. Free consultation.
In the wake of overly hyped incidents of bad behavior the Colorado legislature has taken some citizens' Second Amendment rights if the Court issues a protection order. Defend your reputation, your right to hunt, protect your family, and general firearm recreation.
As an Arapahoe / Denver lawyer for civil protection order hearings (statewide representation) Tray highly recommends hiring an attorney for Colorado civil protection order hearings. The stakes are high and if the other side has a lawyer you will be at a severe disadvantage.
In some instances, after two years, a restrained party may motion the court to modify or dismiss the permanent protection order. This office handles restraining order modifications. Call today.